Why clean air and fresh water is uniquely important for camellia oil
Lora Liu
Expanses of dark brown camellia seeds drying along roadsides, seeds on house courtyards or porticos and along paved pathways is the first thing you’ll notice every September as soon as you make your way into the small villages along the XinXian mountainsides.
Farm families spend about 3 weeks each September walking up into the forests each day, to forest areas which they have returned to for generations in order to remove the seed pods of the camellia tree which have ripened over the summer. It is just a few weeks that the seed pods are at their peak.
Camellia trees flower every year but the seed take 13 months to ripen, so individual trees are in constant rotation with some first-year flowers and second-year blossoms that will bear fruit. This long 13 months growing cycle is what helps increase the amount of healthy unsaturated fatty acids that make up 80% of its contents, but it’s also why its so important to always use organic camellia oil that comes from a region with clean air and fresh water since the camellia trees are drawing on their resources for their nutrition and growth.